Analysis and Reverse Engineering Executable File

Aaron Lin

Aaron Lin

December 12, 2021

2 min read


  • WinHex
  • 7zip



Today we'll look into how to reverse engineer an executable file with unknown programming language origin

1 Download WinHex as a prerequisite for the following steps.

You can find one with a license on a torrent site.

2 Open WinHex and drag in your .exe file

3 Start scrolling the hex of the .exe until you find something recognizable. In this case, I found code that could be an indication that it is Java code bundled into an .exe

Note: We can also know this is a launch4j jar bundled inside an exe if we open the .exe with 7zip. It should be the following content structure


Doing some research, we can see that if we can extract the hex starting from PK to the end of the hex, we can turn it back into a .jar file

For reference:


Search for "META-INF" for the starting block. Right click the hex block starting with PK and select Beginning of block


Scroll down to the bottom and right click and set the last hex block as End of block'


Right click the highlighted block and click Edit


Then click Copy Block followed by Into New file and name the file appended with .jar


Right click the .jar file and click 7-Zip followed by Open archive


If done correctly, the jar should open as java class files

Developed by Aaron Lin

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